Friday 7 August 2009

I know, but do you?

So Danny was over on Wednesday evening, it was one of those "Long time no see" moments, after long discussions about what each of us had been doing with our selves for the last two/three months we got onto the Vodka. So post-vodka cue the hour and a half long discussion on theology, I love nights like those and it was great fun. So after all these fun things drinking, discussing and eating cup-cakes we thought we would watch the new Nicolas Cage film "Knowing".

What the fuck is that film all about? I don't know if you'll have seen the film so I wont spoil it but it is so surreal, absurd and down right confusing. This genre unspecific film is well worth the watch though. If you're the film geek like me it's interesting just because it has conventions from every film you could ever think of but even if you're the bog standard film watcher it is still worth the watch just for the experience of such a bizarre film. Prepare for confusion whilst still being somewhat entertained.

Good times??? maybe.

Anyway tonight should be interesting. Nick (my theatrical companion and co-editor of 3am magazine []) is coming over with some films that he has to review for 3am he described them as occultist films from the 60's, so we'll see what they are like.


Monday 3 August 2009

Why am I so obsessed with this Motorway programme?

It's midnight and im sat in the lounge watching "The Secret Life of the Motorway" (PART 2!!!) on BBCFour, but why am I still sat here two hours later after beginning to watch it?? This is ridiculous im watching a stupid old bat talking about how much she likes her Watford Gap, i'm sure you've got a lovely Watford Gap love but I really don't give a shit.

So again I ask myself... why am I sat here? I figure that I am not used to watching such an absurd representation of British 20th Century history that is still so relevant today. It talks about Thatcherism, Raves, Comuterism, service stations, the pennines WOW.

So what else is there to do with my Monday night/Tuesday morning? I need to finnish reading "The Drowned World", I could do some writing, I could research venues or funding, begin adapting, read more books, get a life? What have you done with your night? More than I have I bet!



This morning I made a fatal error of judgement without even realising it I had stepped out of the flat to go to Spar to get some fags and some milk but I had left the house dressed head-to-toe in Topman, I felt like such a prat as I walked into the shop dressed like a nugget, with the worst morning breath hair everywhere and just feeling generally like death. Oh well spilt milk ey... at least I've still got my reputation... on no wait... scrap that.

Moving past my own self-loathing, I was looking yesterday at receiving Arts Council Funding for theatre projects (as me and Nick are intending to start our own theatre company) reading their "The context for theatre and the role we play" and "Our Vision for Theatre" (they're not pretencious honest) and reading basically lead me to think that to get funding that would actually be of any benefit to a company you have to be experimental, involve street theatre and circus, involve children/young people and be ethnically diverse. So if you put on a shit play, in a street, with loads of children whilst not being racist (which I'm not at all anyway) you'll get shit loads of money from them. Sick! Well no... because thats not what real people do. We want to put on plays as a theatre company in theatres with who ever is the best for the role not because they are a child or from an ethnic minority. *sigh*... we can only try our best can't we?
