Monday 3 August 2009

Why am I so obsessed with this Motorway programme?

It's midnight and im sat in the lounge watching "The Secret Life of the Motorway" (PART 2!!!) on BBCFour, but why am I still sat here two hours later after beginning to watch it?? This is ridiculous im watching a stupid old bat talking about how much she likes her Watford Gap, i'm sure you've got a lovely Watford Gap love but I really don't give a shit.

So again I ask myself... why am I sat here? I figure that I am not used to watching such an absurd representation of British 20th Century history that is still so relevant today. It talks about Thatcherism, Raves, Comuterism, service stations, the pennines WOW.

So what else is there to do with my Monday night/Tuesday morning? I need to finnish reading "The Drowned World", I could do some writing, I could research venues or funding, begin adapting, read more books, get a life? What have you done with your night? More than I have I bet!


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